Lessons from the sidelines

Sometimes life throws you curveballs. 

Sometimes you can swerve, and sometimes you get knocked down. 

If you have been knocked down in the past (or maybe you are right now), I know what it’s like, I have been there and it is hard. 

You can choose to throw yourself a pity party, or you can choose to see every challenge or trial as an opportunity. And I believe everything happens for a reason. 

After a very unexpected diagnosis and subsequent heart surgery, I was “benched” for quite awhile. I had several complications and a long, difficult recovery. Not the situation a healthy, mid 30s, wife and mom of two boys wants in any way, shape, or form. 

My view from the sidelines afforded me a lot of time to think, evaluate, learn and grow. Here are some lessons that I learned from the sidelines:

  • Healing is NOT linear. This one was a hard pill to swallow. I am doing everything right, why am I taking steps backwards? There are good days and hard days. No matter what you’re going through, we need to give ourselves grace and plan for those less good days. Healing or progress in any struggle we may be dealing with, is not always going to be that perfect straight line we imagine. And that is ok. We need to accept that and persevere regardless. Stay positive and keep your eye on your end goal.
  • Change is inevitable, growth is optional. My situation was completely out of my control, but instead of anger or resentment, I could choose growth. I can turn a tough situation into an opportunity. I can come out of this stronger than before, both physically and mentally (and I have!). Some things may never be quite the same, but I can choose gratitude for all that I still have, and all that I accomplished and earned back. 
  • Your circumstances do not have to define you. Through hard work, determination, perseverance and the right mindset, you can overcome adversity. You can accomplish your goals in spite of your circumstances, and they do not have to dictate what those goals are. While life may knock you down, you are in control of your own success. Put a roadblock in my way, I will find a way to rise above. People thought I was crazy to think that I could climb a mountain just six months after my surgery, but I believed in me, and I DID IT!
  • Celebrate all the little things. When you are going through a hard time or working towards a big goal, sometimes the smallest steps feel like the biggest victories. And those victories don’t have to look big to anyone else, but you recognize the wins for what they are- and celebrate! This keeps you positive, grateful, and the forward momentum going. You can accomplish great things, one step at a time. 

Our situations may look nothing alike, but no matter what you are going through, the lessons are still the same. 

Whether you are currently on the sidelines or not, I hope you find this encouraging, because I am here to tell you that YOU can do great things. You can get off the bench, and do whatever you set your mind to. That doesn’t mean it won’t be an uphill battle, but with determination and gratitude you can persevere. 

With Grace,

Stress. Why we should care, and what we can do.

Stress is such a big topic, it’s constantly being talked about, but why should we care?

Our society pushes the busy-is-better, on-the-go lifestyle, and it takes a toll on us. Sometimes you get the feeling if you’re not stressed…you’re missing something!

As this stress fueled lifestyle becomes the norm, people start to notice the detrimental effects on their physical and mental health. Stress was created as a way to deal with and get us out of hard or harmful situations; it was not designed to be a baseline for how we live our lives.

When you feel stressed you release elevated levels of the hormone cortisol. As nature’s built-in alarm system, cortisol helps us with mood, fear and metabolism. It helps to regulate many processes including your circulatory system, your metabolism and energy.

At high or continually elevated levels, cortisol has many negative effects in the areas mentioned above, such as:

  • Elevated blood pressure and heart rate
  • Increased blood sugar 
  • Disrupted sleep cycles
  • Mental changes- depression, anxiety
  • Increased appetite (especially for sugary or other “quick fix”/comfort foods)
  • Weight gain
  • Increased muscle tension, leading to chronic pain and headaches

It is easy to see the short and long term implications of these stress induced issues, but what can we do? It’s not like all the life, job, family, relationship and financial stress is going to magically disappear.

But there’s good news! We can learn to spot the stress and manage it better! 

The Importance of Addressing Workplace Stress -- Occupational Health &  Safety

If there are areas of your life where you can put up healthy boundaries or get out of certain situations/relationships, do it! But for all the stress that we cannot avoid, here are a few practical ways to help you manage your stress levels:

Seek out calm. Find places or activities that help alleviate tension and help to clear the mind. Seek out a quiet space, maybe you play calming music or enjoy soothing scents of essential oils such as lavender. Praying, meditating, reading and journaling are some examples of calming activities. 

Just breathe. There are many different breathing techniques out there, find something that works for you. The truth is that the majority of us don’t utilize the power of our breath or its many benefits. Did you know that six deep, slow breaths are enough to reset your nervous system? Give it a try! 

Get moving. The power of simply moving your body has the ability to deeply change your mood and reset your thinking, not to mention the numerous physical benefits. Walking, yoga and Pilates are fantastic low impact ways to connect to your body mentally and physically. Exercise in general is a way to get out frustration and nervous energy that is not serving you well.

Nourish your body. Getting more sleep, and making rest a priority is essential. Sleep deprivation puts you in a stressed state, making it harder to deal with the stresses that come up during the day. Drink more water – hydration is another simple way to care for your body. Also nourish your body by feeding it the proper fuel. Less junk, more real food, especially fruits and vegetables that have the necessary nutrients our bodies need to be healthy. 

As a medical professional, I cannot stress the importance of managing your stress with simple, healthy solutions. Continue to seek out what works for you, because it’s going to look a little different for each unique person and their circumstances. If you need additional support or ideas in this area, don’t hesitate to reach out! 

With Grace,

Simple self-care

Self-Care | Healthy UNH

Self-care doesn’t have to be fancy or complicated.

I used to think self-care meant something big, flashy or time consuming – think getting nails done, shopping trip, or fancy baths complete with candles, a book and a favorite beverage (not that there is anything wrong with those wonderful activities).

But sometimes, you just don’t have time for those things, or that’s not really what your body NEEDS!

It became abundantly clear to me, when I found myself running on empty, that self-care can be so simple. It is taking time to care for my mind and body. My health is important. And the time I take to invest in me, produces a better version of myself, so I can invest more in those I love.

Self-care is an INVESTMENT in ME and I am WORTH IT!!

Here are a few SIMPLE self-care tips. Nothing groundbreaking, but they’re good reminders nonetheless. Because let’s face it, we stay so busy and put others first, so even the basics slip our mind!

Here are 3 things to focus on THIS WEEK!

  1. Get more Sleep!

I know, shocking right?! But it’s so easy for our to-do list to keep us up late at night! Making that choice to go to bed and giving yourself the time to get a full night’s sleep (or as close as possible), allows your body to reset and recharge. This leaves you in a better mental and physical state to take on the world the next day! This is something I struggle with; I am working on it because I have seen the difference it makes in my next day.

2. Get Movement into your day!

Your body was created to MOVE, it craves it! Movement doesn’t have to be sweat dripping, heart pounding cardio. It can be as simple as stretching, walking, yoga or my favorite Pilates 😊. Movement boosts your energy, mood, and your health. It’s a simple win!

3. Give yourself Space!

You need space. And what I mean by that is you need a little time to yourself. I know it can be hard to do, especially if you have little ones at home, but you CAN create it. Waking up a few minutes earlier or asking a spouse/loved one to help watch the kids for even a few minutes, can give you the metal mindset shift you need. With that time, do what fills your cup – read, journal, pray, get in some movement, heck sit in *silence*; whatever your body needs. Not sure? Sit and mediate, the answer will come to you.

I hope you found this a good reminder of the value of pouring into yourself. You are in charge of your health, make it a priority!

What are your thoughts of self-care? What do you enjoy doing to pour into yourself? Where do you struggle? I would love to hear from you! Comment below or reach out on social media!

With Grace,

Top 5 misconceptions about pilates

Ever since I started teaching Pilates and talking to people about it on a regular basis, I have come to realize most people don’t really know what Pilates is. So I thought I would try to debunk some misconceptions or pre-conceived notions about Pilates I’ve heard floating around.

Before we dive in, if you are new to Pilates I would highly recommend you start by reading my posts “What is Pilates” and “Benefits of Pilates” to give you a basic understanding of the practice of Pilates.

Alright, let’s dive in!

  1. I can’t do Pilates, I AM NOT FLEXIBLE! I can understand why this is a concern people have, because it may appear like you need to be flexible to do most of the moves, but you don’t! There are ways to modify to make it work for you, flexibility comes with practice. If you are stiff and not flexible – Pilates is for you!!  Pilates is exactly what you need to lengthen your muscles and increase flexibility all over your body.
hamstring pull
hamstring pull with modifications

2. Pilates is TOO HARD! Along those lines you also may be thinking – I am not strong or coordinated enough, or Pilates is for people that work out all the time and are in good shape. Do not be intimidated when you see a challenging exercise and think “I could never do that!”, because chances are you can probably do it too with practice and consistency. I am doing moves now that I would have never dreamed I could do. Pilates is awesome because it is for everyBODY and can be modified to your level of fitness. Make the move work for you; that is how you build up strength and stamina – we all have to start somewhere!

3. Pilates is TOO EASY! You may be tempted to dismiss the many benefits of Pilates because it is low impact, looks “too relaxing” or because it’s not some sweat-fest cardio session. Don’t knock it until you try it! Honestly if it feels too easy, you are probably not doing it right. Pilates is a method, it’s a practice, and it builds upon itself. First you start by just learning the basics, building a little bit of strength and flexibility. Then you start to learn to connect to your body on a deeper level, improving concentration and precision. Focusing on coordination and proper alignment. Eventually you advance to more difficult positions. But it doesn’t matter how long you have been doing Pilates, you will still get work out of some of the most basic Pilates moves, it is just body mechanics.

4. Isn’t Pilates the SAME AS YOGA? This is one I hear all the time! Yes there are some similarities – both are mind/body practices done on a mat. Yoga has deep spiritual roots and has more static holding of poses, whereas Pilates focuses more on building strength, improving core and posture. We move faster, do repetitions of movements, and flow from one exercise to the next. You may find you love both, or you identify more with one or the other. A lot of people that struggle with yoga find that they love Pilates.

5. Pilates is for WOMEN ONLY! Well first off, Pilates was invented by a man, so it is most certainly for both genders. It is true that more women are drawn to Pilates, and I think a big part of that has to do with the strength you can build without bulk. I also believe that men often buy into the misconceptions above, thinking it’s not for them for one reason or another. But regardless of who you are or where you are in your fitness journey, Pilates has important benefits that we ALL need! My husband enjoys doing Pilates with me and is also amazed by how much better he feels when he does it regularly.

Do you have any other questions or concerns about Pilates? Leave a comment or message me, I would love to talk to you about it! Hopefully this has cleared up some of the concerns you may have had about Pilates, and you will join us on the mat soon!

with Grace,

Walk it out

Walking. Basic, yet oh so beneficial.

I think since we’ve been strolling around for as long as we can remember, we don’t give walking the credit it deserves.

For starters- IT’S FREE and easy to fit in during your day, no matter your schedule.

The health benefits of walking are numerous, here are a handful of my favorites:

  1. Burn calories– which can help you lose or maintain weight. Obviously calorie burn is dependent on how long you walked (distance covered), how fast you were going and the terrain (flat, hills). Even a short but brisk walk does the body good!
  2. Easy on the joints– as we age we look for lower impact exercises to maintain joint health. Walking can also help ease joint pain you may already have by strengthening surrounding muscles to support the joint better, and it may also help to lubricate the joints.
  3. Give your mood a lift– Exercise in general makes your feel good, right? Well walking is no exception! You get increased levels of serotonin, epinephrine and norepinephrine. These hormones are known to reduce anxiety, depression and stress – leaving you feeling happier and more relaxed.
  4. Boost your energy– Walking may be even more effective at “waking you up” than a caffeine fix! Increased oxygen flow plus those same hormones that make you feel happy also make you feel more awake and alert. Bonus points if you get some sunshine on your face :)!
  5. Increase your immune system– Did you know that walking can help you fight off illness? That’s because regular exercise increases the amount of white blood cells circulating in your blood. Studies have shown people that exercise regularly get sick less often, and if they do get sick they recover more quickly.
  6. Help maintain or prevent chronic health issues– taking regular walks has a positive impact on lowering blood sugar and cardiovascular health. To get the most benefit on strengthening the heart aim for several longer (30 minutes or more) per week.
  7. Helps digestion– overate at dinner? Walk it out. Being upright and moving aids in the digestive process. Less pressure on the stomach leads to less indigestion, and walking helps keeps the bowels moving. Not to mention a little after meal calorie burn never hurt anyone.

Do it with someone – bring the family, meet up with a friend. Walking is a great exercise to do in community. You can spend some quality time with loved ones, plus do something good for your health. That’s a win-win in my book!

We take frequent family walks, it is a great opportunity to share what’s going on in our lives and spend quality time. Justin and I often take kid-free walks as part of “date night”, sometimes that’s hiking at a favorite park, but sometimes it as simple as walking around the neighborhood. We have even done walks as part of “date mornings” where we grab a special coffee and walk on our local bike trail to start the day!

Do it by yourself – and get a nice mental break from the chaos. It gives you a chance to clear your head, decompress and maybe get some creative juices flowing.

I feel like my solo walks are when I do some of my best and clearest thinking, plus I get a chance to reflect.

It always leaves me feeling refreshed, grounded, and better than when I started! So what are you waiting for…grab a pair of walking shoes and get moving!

with Grace,

Hubby and I on our coffee “date morning” 🙂

How can Pilates help me?

In case you missed my blog post What exactly is Pilates? here is a quick overview:

Pilates is a mind/body exercise, combining gentle stretching, stengthening, body awareness and deep breathing.

So all that sounds great, but how does that translate into real results I can see?

When Pilates becomes a regular practice for you, you will notice some changes…

  • Your body becomes better aligned– which helps improve posture (which we all need – hello “tech neck”) and helps prevent injuries.
  • You will become more aware, more in-tuned with your body, which leads to better coordination and improved balance.
  • As you do Pilates consistently, you will notice a change in the shape of your body. Pilates helps to lengthen and strengthen – giving you a leaner more toned physique, distributing body mass where it is designed to go.
  • Build up core and back strength to help support the spine, helping not only with posture but those suffering from back pain (which is most of us at one time or another!).
  • Along those lines – the stretching and lengthening of the spine helps to increase the space between vertebrae which minimizes pressure on the nerves and discs.
  • All of your muscles are worked, even smaller less targeted muscles, allowing the whole body to work together more efficiently, instead of certain areas being overloaded.
  • You will become more flexible and improve mobility, which is key as we aim to age gracefully and not be at the mercy of our body.
  • An import benefit for all of us, but women in particular, is the strengthening of your pelvic floor – and there are a lot of health benefits to a strong pelvic floor.
  • You will learn to breathe correctly and more efficiently – which will improve your oxygen levels throughout the body, especially the spine. Deeper breathing increases energy, reduces stress and anxiety, and has a whole host of health benefits.
  • And the last point I am going to make (because I could go on and on) is that exercise/movement in general increases your levels of serotonin and endorphins naturally – giving you more energy, and improving your mood and overall sense of well-being (another way of connecting your mind to your body)!

Are you convinced yet?

As you can tell I am very passionate about Pilates and its many health benefits – because I have personally seen every single one of these changes happen to my body, and health.

I will tell you these changes did not happen overnight, consistency is key, but trust in the method and the process.

Take the time to invest in yourself, this includes BOTH your mental and physical health, you will not regret it.

with Grace,

What exactly is Pilates?

If you are a newbie to Pilates – you may be wondering, what is Pilates anyways? I’m so excited to share my knowledge and passion with you!

Before you dive into practicing Pilates, I thought it would be beneficial to give you a little background into what Pilates is. It’s hard to appreciate something or do it effectively if you don’t understand what it is you are doing! Right?

Pilates was invented by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century and was originally named “Contrology”, the art and method of controlled movements. Pilates combines gentle stretching, alignment, muscle balance, body awareness and deep breathing. It is great for strengthening and toning your whole body- with a focus on your core, posture, and increasing flexibility. Pilates is a mind/body exercise- aiming to connect and strengthen both the mind and the body.

The mind comes into play when trying to concentrate on certain muscle groups, while relaxing others, breathing properly and maintaining core engagement. Doesn’t sound easy does it? Ha nope, but don’t let that scare you. It is a practice, a discipline, and something that you work towards – I am still working on it every day! It is oh so beneficial and worth the work. Deeping that connection of your mind to your body allows you to relieve stress, clear your mind and be more in tuned with what is going on in your body.

The benefits to your body are numerous- in fact I wrote an entire blog post – How Can Pilates Help Me? – on the benefits of Pilates and how it has impacted my life. But to summarize, Pilates improves flexibility, alignment (think better posture) and builds strength (particularly the core).

There are two main Pilates practices – mat Pilates (which is what I do) and “apparatus” Pilates. The reformer, Cadillac, Wunda Chair and Ladder Barrel are some of the most commonly used Pilates apparatuses. These pieces of equipment can be expensive and typically found only in Pilates studios (not gyms). They are designed to further build upon or accelerate the stretching and strengthening started on the mat.

Mat Pilates can also be done with the use of props – balls, bands, the magic circle and light hand weights.

And all those things are great, but you can get a great work out with real results on literally just a mat! No fancy equipment needed! In as little as 10-15 minutes a day, several times a week, you can make big changes in your body.

Pilates is for everyBODY!

It is low impact, so it leaves you feeling energized, not depleted. And it can be modified to meet the needs of YOUR body that day.

This was just a brief overview, but I hope this gives you a better understanding of what Pilates is and its background. Have you ever tried Pilates before? If not, hopefully this motivates you to give it a try 😊.

See you on the mat soon!

with Grace,

Welcome to Be Grounded in Grace

Like so many things, Be Grounded in Grace was dreamed up as an answer to a problem.

A problem that I once had, and a problem I was hearing over and over – “I don’t have time to exercise!”.

It’s the anthem of busy women everywhere – I don’t have time to take care of myself!!

When life gets busy, the first thing women sacrifice is their own health and well-being. We don’t prioritize breaks for our mental health, and we don’t have time to exercise…get to a gym? Forget about it!!

We all have our own barriers to self-care, what’s yours? Is it time, motivation, direction, money, child- care…COVID??  

I want to help remove some of those barriers for you!

I don’t have all the answers by any means, but I have been there and at times still struggle to prioritize my health. We are in this together! 

Life can be crazy fun, but it can also be crazy hard. And now more than ever I think we need to work on giving ourselves GRACE and showing grace to others.

Be Grounded in Grace was started with a vision of building a positive and encouraging community. I want to support you as you find what grounds you, what brings you back to who you are and who you want to be. Exercise and moving my body is one of the many ways I ground myself. One of my favorite practices is Pilates. There are so many benefits to Pilates and it can be done anywhere with just a mat!

As a certified Pilates mat instructor, I am excited to share my passion with you, while encouraging you to prioritize your well-being both physically and mentally.

Be on the lookout for blog posts- meant to inform, encourage, and inspire you to incorporate mindful movement and intentional living in your day to day. Let me remind you, little changes can add up to a big impact on your health.

I am currently working on online and video options to make Pilates even more accessible. And if you live local to me in Northern Cincinnati, then come check out an in-person class. I would love to meet you!

“Every moment of our life can be the beginning of great things.”

Joseph Pilates

Let’s do this together! Follow me on social media and keep checking the website for blog and event updates!

with Grace,