Hello Lovely :)

My name is Rachel, and I am so glad you’re here!

I am a wife, mom of two boys, pharmacist and Pilates mat instructor. I enjoy being active – Pilates, yoga, hiking, biking, dance parties, walks with family and friends, and going on adventures.  You will find me outdoors as much as possible. When I slow down, I like playing games or snuggling up with a good book (likely with some coffee). I have a passion for encouraging others and building community.

For so many years, I struggled to prioritize my health and find a balanced, healthy lifestyle. There were always so many excuses. Everything I tried wasn’t working or wouldn’t stick – then it hit me that I was doing it all wrong and for the wrong reasons!

I wasn’t grounded. I needed to get back to ME – who I was and who I wanted to be. When I could answer those questions, I could start to make small, intentional changes in my life that made a lasting impact.

I wasn’t grounded. I needed to get back to ME- who I was and who I wanted to be.

Now I know that grounded, intentional, healthy living is a life long journey and NOT a destination.

It is not something that I will ever do perfectly – which was hard for me to admit, but life giving when I did. I don’t have to have all the answers, be a fitness guru, be a certain size or have the perfect diet (if you are looking for THAT girl, she isn’t here, sorry not sorry!).

What matters is I am leaning into the person that God made me to be, not trying to be what I am not. I am making small, realistic changes in my life for the better. I show myself grace to let go and enjoy life! I show myself grace when things don’t go as planned! I show others grace because we each have our own story. I surround myself with positive influences, and I live and love others intentionally.

I am forever grateful to my family and friends for always showing me GRACE and giving encouragement through the ups and downs, as I will always be on the path to a better version of myself. I hope you will come alongside me, and we can encourage each other in this journey!

I hope you will come alongside me, and we can encourage each other in this journey!

What I do


Pilates is my happy place! It has truly changed my life- mind, body and soul. Yes, I have seen the many benefits physically- my muscles are longer, leaner and a whole lot stronger. I have better posture, more mobility and flexibility, which has practically eliminated my chronic neck/back pain. But it goes beyond the physical- I am more deeply connected to my body. It relaxes and energizes me. It is a stress reliever and a way for me to refocus on what really matters.

Mindful Movement

Move that body!! Pilates is only one way that I move my body on a regular basis. I mentioned several of my favorite physical activities above. It is important to find multiple ways to get “mindful” or “purposeful” movement into your day- it doesn’t have to look like traditional exercise, and it certainly doesn’t have to be at a gym. What activities do you enjoy? What can you sneak into your day? What can you do with loved ones? What works for me may be different for you, listen to YOUR body- does it leave you feeling relaxed or renewed?

Intentional Living

I fall into the trap of trying to “do all the things” way too easily. I end up setting myself up for (what I would define as) failure. Every. Single. Time. UGH! It was a hard lesson to learn, or should I say come to terms with since I am still a work in progress. As a recovering perfectionist, I would overwhelm myself, then disappoint myself, and fall into a spiral. I had to learn to give MYSELF grace, so I could get out of my own way, and be a happier healthier version of myself. Now I *try* live with intention, focusing on what matters most to ME- quality time with loved ones, making healthy lifestyle choices, building community, embracing rest, giving encouragement, and showing others grace and love.  

Let’s move together!

Share your thoughts with me!

Please reach out to share your story or give me suggestions for improving our community!