The Wellness Movement


If you are here, then you are looking to make a change, and I know exactly what that feels like!

  • Are you feeling frustrated or in a rut with your current health and overall wellbeing?
  • You want to start exercising, but you are tired and busy, how will you fit it in?
  • You want to improve your overall health and nutrition, but you don’t want some drastic, non-sustainable diet, where do you start?
  • You are stressed and mentally drained, will you ever make changes that are sustainable?  
  • Are you looking for ways to boost energy and increase strength, look and feel better, and increase confidence?

You spend so much time investing in others, it’s time that you invest in YOU and your health, so you can keep pouring into your loved ones. 

If you can resonate with any (or all) of the statements above, I get it. I have been there. And I am on the other side feeling happier and healthier than ever! 

I want that for YOU too!

So I created the 12 week step by step program that will help you prioritize self care and develop healthy habits, so you can improve overall health and reduce stress, without feeling overwhelmed. Little changes add up to BIG, lasting impact!

Are you ready to make a change? Join me!

The Wellness Movement is a 12 week program that focuses on improving your wellbeing through three main areas:

  1. Movement through mat Pilates. Weekly you will get new Pilates workout videos starting out with 10 and 15 minute videos, that will gradually increase in time and difficulty (don’t worry modifications can always be made!, and I am available for help!). You will be amazed at the transformation you will experience through Pilates. 
  2. Wellness and looking at your health as a whole picture. What goals do you have for your health long term? We will have some nutrition focuses and tips, as well as a coaching call with a nutritionist, to help you make changes that work for you. We also focus on tips to relieve stress, and to help make this program work for you and your lifestyle.
  3. Mindset is key! We weekly focus on mindset and ways to make your brain, your strongest muscle, work to help you achieve your goals. You will also get monthly coaching calls with me to help you stay focused, accountable and troubleshoot any issues you may be having. Having a coach by your side, cheering you on will be a game changer!

You will also have access to a private Facebook Group for just members of The Wellness Movement, to build community for additional support and accountability. We will also be sharing additional nutrition tips and recipes here!

So what’s holding you back? You have so much to gain. And YOU are WORTH the INVESTMENT!

Questions? Let’s set up a quick consultation call! Click here to book!

Email me – – or reach out through Facebook.

Click here to sign up – Let’s get started!